How to get involved as a Participant in Course A
Who can participate?

All researchers, students and professionals in fields of safety promotion and injury epidemiology can take part in the summer school.

As all the programs of Summer School will be in English, all participants must be fluent or upper mediate in English language. Note that we won’t offer any translator or translation system.

It’s not necessary to have an academic degree for registering and taking part in Summer School programs, but the applicants who look for getting “Academic Credit” of summer school, at least must be the senior student of bachelor degree.
How to get “Academic Credit” of Summer School:

We offer an “Academic Credit” equal to 1.5 post-graduation academic credit to the participants who meet
all bellow conditions:
1. Fully participate in summer school programs.
2. At least has a bachelor degree or be the senior student of bachelor.
3. Taking part at summer school’s examination which be held at end of the program and pass it successfully.

Note that we will give “Participation Certificate” to all participants of summer school, it’s only “Academic Credit” that will be specified to some participants who meet certain conditions which were mentioned above.

The PhD students of injury prevention at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, whom gets the academic credit of summer school, won’t need to pass “injury surveillance course” at the university.
Registration Priorities:

As far as we will approve a limited applicants for taking part in course A (about 24 applicants), so the school will give priority to below applicants:
Ø The ones who register and pay fees earlier.
Ø The researchers, personnel and managers who participated in any project of safe community field (A confirmation from Safe Community Center or Safe Community Support Center is needed).

Top 3 participants who meet at least one of our priorities, will be awarded