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Tabriz 2018





The Capital of Islamic Tourism on 2018. Tourism ministers of Islamic countries selected the historical city of Tabriz as the capital of Islamic tourism in 2018.

On the final day of the 9th Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (December 21-23) in Niamey, Niger, ministers of tourism of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states approved the selection of Tabriz as the capitals of Islamic tourism in 2018 .

Numerous famous Islamic cities were nominated as the possible candidates, among which Tabriz was chosen, thanks to its cultural and historical potentials, its beauties and all its brilliant tourist future. This magnificent title will definitely be the most important step of all international achievements of Tabriz.

Tabriz municipality, along with all other effective organizational organizations of the city, appreciates this valued opportunity, trying to take all necessary strides to introduce this beautiful Iranian city to the world and attract world’s tourists and explores.

Indeed, the old history, rich culture, brilliant civilization, matchless tourist attractions, undeniable social potentials, soothing weather , traditional sites, modern shopping centers and a vast array of capabilities in different fields can lead help Tabriz with realizing the goals of Tabriz 2018.

 Tabriz 2018

Tabriz 2018

Posted on   شنبه دوم تير 1397