12 March 2025
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An introduction to
Iranian International Safe Community Support Center


After great efforts of an expert Iranian team in scope of safe community led by
Dr. Homayoun Sadeghi-Bazargani  and supports from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, the Swedish collaborating center of World Health Organization in Karolinska approved the “Iranian International Safe Community Support Center” as the only official member of Iran in “International Safe Community network” in 


Iranian International Safe Community Support Center follows bellow objectives: 

1)      Provision of center programs and services utilizing multidisciplinary cross sectorial and evidence-based approaches.

v  Supports mobilization efforts necessary for action at the community level by modeling collaborative approaches

v  Strengthens and creates opportunities needed to build on the science and practice of injury prevention and community safety promotion

v  Supports a comprehensive or systems approach to address safety problems

The center takes into account the need for strong cross-sectorial relationships in order to achieve the aims of community safety promotion. Various parts are in this relationship including, the academic sector, the municipality sector, the law-enforcement, law-making and legal sector, the nongovernmental societies-organizations, publication and mass media and the  health sector which is incorporated with academic sector in Iranian system and major medical universities are responsible both for education and the health service provision, supervision and policy making. 

2)      The SCSC provides a framework for promoting collective action which includes involvement with community networks.

v  Supports local communities and organizations to implement action at the local level

v  Supports targeted activities that address priority injury and safety problems

v  Nurtures attention on issues through focused community networks

In order to promote the required knowledge and understanding for adoption of the Safe Community Model, we have provided initiatives to the communities examples of which are as follows:

-          Short courses and workshops for communities not limited to those actively engaged to apply a safe community but with a wider range.

-          Semi-academic one-year long national educational program on road traffic safety promotion.

-          Research support: We also support the communities through mutual research work with respect to their needs.

-          Topic-specific and targeted intervention programs such as burn projects, traffic injury prevention programs and etc. 


3)      The SCSC provides consultative support to communities in the establishment of SC initiatives, like the process up to seeking “International Safe Community” status.

v  Promotes the understanding and adoption of the SC Model

-          We help the communities not only startup and establishing safe communities, but also in evaluation and methodological support. We provide scientific supervision and methodological support to the communities as well as health policy makers for their safety promotion activities.

-          International Safe community modules are translated into Persian and used in Iran.

-          In collaboration with a Swedish publisher, a new journal on injury epidemiology is going to be launched jointly with Tabriz but with international scientific board from Sweden, Iran, Bangladesh, Thailand and so on. Our main aim would be to provide a way of circulating reliable evidence of safe community experiences both in English and simultaneously in regional languages.


4)      The SCSC facilitates and supports community-based strategic planning processes.

v  Tabriz is nationally selected as the Iranian center excellence for health administration and using its academic capabilities provides both educational and consultative services nationally. This support is available to promotion of safe community movement either.

v  We have considered as a high priority for the documentation of the efforts through different routes of publishing articles, books and monographs.

v  Our successful national experience on design and application of SHEP health promotion model with high multi-sector involvement and strategic engagement of stake holders and target groups such as children is an asset for our organization.


5)      The SCSC demonstrates leadership and stewardship in addressing priority injury issues, high risk, and vulnerable groups.

v  Works with high risk and vulnerable groups to create opportunities for action

v  Advocates for action based on the SCSC knowledge of; the injury and safety problem, at risk population, latest research findings and evidence-based intervention strategies

-          Due to the high approval of our organization and lots of work being done, we are carrying a leading role in many safety related issues. However, especially in field of traffic injuries we have a lot work ahead to be satisfied.

-          With respect to nearly short time of our intensified work, we are known as a scientific leader such that contrary to other Iranian academic centers most of the financial support for the work we do comes from the sources outside the university who rely on our capabilities.


6)      The SCSC provides expert services and knowledge in the area of injury data and injury surveillance issues.

v  Provides expert guidance in the documentation and monitoring of injuries and causes of injury.

v  Provides community-based initiatives support to access baseline data required to plan program initiatives.


7)      The SCSC demonstrates a long term commitment to supporting SC and the SC Network within their organizations strategic plan.

v  Ensures a sustainable resource to SC in their efforts

v  Ensures a strong learning partnership within the SC Network



8)      The SCSC supports those responsible at the community level to utilize appropriate indicators to evaluate community processes, effects of change and injury rates.

v  Supports the development of evaluation mechanisms at the community level to facilitate program management and delivery

v  Nurture community leadership and interagency collaboration through self-evaluation

v  Promotes the capability of communities to act on their interests while promoting the use of a scientific approach 


9)      The SCSC disseminates their experiences both at national and international levels.

v  Contributes to a body of knowledge of the SC Model within national and international SC networks and others working within the field of community safety

- Helps identifying communities or institutions suitable for organizing SC Conferences and Seminars.

- To publicly affirm commitment to support local, regional and international SC initiatives.

- To promote the SC model at local, regional and national levels



10)  The SCSC reports on their SC activities and research efforts.

v  Supports accessible and systematic dissemination of knowledge and experience.



Posted on   دوشنبه بیست و هشتم خرداد 1397