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Titles of research projects of Road Traffic Injury Prevention Research Center
title Presenter Name no
A systematic review of existing guidelines for jaw and facial trauma Changhiz gholipour 1
Evaluation of Serum Amylase Level in Prognosis in Patients with Abdominal Trauma Farzad rahamani 2
assessment of the scene of the incident, the patient's condition and the actions taken for the multiple trauma injured by the pre-hospital emergency Abbas dadashzadeh 3
Evaluation of the effect of cervical collar on the ventilation of traumatic patients with GCS of 15 using capnography Farzad rahmani 4
Evaluation of Emergency Response Capacity of Hospital to Accidents and Disasters in Tabriz Hospitals: 1393 Ali jannati 5
Comparison of Press the cuff of the tube  of trachea cuff with two finger techniques and fixed volume in the emergency department Hasan soleymanpour 6
The Effectiveness of Community-Based Initiative Program in Promoting the Use of Helmets in Motorcyclists in Charoymaq City Hamid allahverdipour 7
Determining the Prevalence of Wife's Violence Against Pregnant Women Dr .gasemzadeh 8
Evaluating the bustle of Emergency Department of Imam Reza hospital Using the 2 indicators of the emergency department Bustle and the activity indicator of the emergency department in 1393-1394 Hasan soleymanpour 9
Comparison of the effect of silver sulfasalazine ointment with ADIB derma ointment on Treatment of Patients with Degree 2 burns Farzad rahmani 10
Evaluation of diagnostic value of bedside ultrasonography Homopenmo Thorax diagnosis in patients with trauma referring to Imam Reza Hospital Hosein ojaghi haghighi 11
Assessment hospital experiences in response to earthquake in the summer of 2012 in Varzaghan, Harris and Ahar Dr .pouraghayi 12
Dental trauma in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis Dr .pournaghi azar 13
Investigating the Rate and Pattern of Accident and Accident Outbreak in the Elderly of Tabriz Akbar azizi 14
A survey of medical errors recorded in Tabriz city in the years1382 to 1392 Jafar sadegh tabrizi 15
Estimated prevalence of drug abuse, alcohol and  non-marital sex among students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences In 1394, using Crosswise and Bayesian Crosswise models Saeed safiri 16
Examining some aspects of descriptive epidemiology of traumatic hand detachment Homayoun sadeghi 17
Study of Driving Behavior of Motorcyclists in Bookan County and its Relationship with ADHD Disorder Homayoun sadeghi 18
Comparison of Intra-city Driving Accident Pattern in 5 Metropolitan Countries Hamid souri 19
Design, Pilot Implementation and Initial Assessment of the Country Model Traffic Accident Recording Homayoun sadeghi 20
Risk Factors in Self-immolation Patients in Kermanshah Alireza ahmadi 21
The study of demographic and CT scan findings in patients with seizure tramadol poisoning referring to the SINA hospital emergency department From July, 2015 to December, 2015 Kavous shahsavari nia 22
Systematic review of prognostic factors in patients with traumatic brain injury Firouz salehpour 23
Violence against women during infertility and comparison with control group Dr .farzdi 24
Pattern of deaths from traffic injuries and assessment of accuracy of death and forensic registration systems in West Azarbaijan province and their agreement rate in 2004-2009 Davoud khorasani 25
Diagnostic value of biochemical parameters in prognosis of patients with severe burns Alireza alaa 26
Examining some aspects of epidemiology of pedestrian injuries in traffic accidents in Tabriz Shohada Hospital Shaker salari lak 27
A systematic review of the guidlins in the field of orthopedic trauma Amir mohammad navali 28
Epidemiologic patterns of animal bite in the city of Maku, northwest of Iran Morteza shamshir gharan 29
Systematic Review of Guideline on Thoracic and Abdominal Trauma and Non-Bone Pelvic Dr .hashemzadeh 30
Systematic Review of Guidelians in the Burn Trauma Area Dr .magsoudi 31
Study of the results of brain CT scan in patients with minor head trauma referring to emergency department Rajaee ghafouri 32
Epidemiological study and diagnostic results in traumatic children referring to emergency department of Imam Reza Hospital Farzad rahmani 33
Non-structural vulnerability assessment of Khalkhal health center  in 2014 Homayoun sadeghi 34
The value of internal jugular index compared with the lower inferior vein index in the determination of central venous pressure in Critical patients, referred to the emergency department Samad shams vahdati 35
The predictive value of Sartreus trauma score in determining the prognosis of multiple trauma patients Farzad rahmani 36
Determination of predictive value of serum levels of lactate, bicarbonate, alkali and glucose deficiency in the mortality rate of trauma patients referred to the emergency department Roozbeh rajaee 37
Assessment of the familiarity and ability to communicate elderly in Tabriz Medical emergency 115 system Akbar azizi 38
Design and initial assessment of the Epidemiological Database of Injuries and Safety of Iran Homayoun sadeghi 39
Design and manufacture of a fixed vehicle simulator for studying driving behaviors under different conditions Mehdi rezaee 40
Investigation of personality characteristics of high risk drivers in Tabriz city Dr .shafiee 41
Assessment  of Ease of hand ventilation with bag and mask in four techniques: E-C ،Thenar Eminence ، (Non-dominant hand) Thenar Eminence (Dominent hand) – E-Cو(Dominent hand) Thenar Eminence (Non-Dominent hand) – E-C Dr .soleymanpour 42
The burden of suicidal behaviors in East Azarbaijan province Dr .zeynalzadeh 43
Accident burden calculation in East Azarbaijan province Dr .farahbakhsh 44
Epidemiological assessment and methods used in suicide led to death registered in forensic medicine during the years 1380 to 1390 in Tabriz city Dr .zeynalzadeh 45
Underlying factors tendency to stress and violence in adolescents Dr .dastghiri 46
Investigating the Frequency and Pattern of Violence in the Spouse's Relationship and Predictors of Its Type and Severity in the Registered Forensic Medicine of the East Azarbayejan Province during the Last Five Years (1392-1388) Dr .samadi rad 47
Investigating the Perspectives and Experiences of Facial Burning Women on Social Acceptance: A Phenomenological Study Dr .ranjbar 48
Investigating the causes of death in accidents and road injuries in Tabriz, East Azarbaijan province Shams vahdati 49
Ten-year epidemiological pattern of deaths from traffic accidents between users of cars, trucks and agriculture in the province of East Azerbaijan 1392-1383 Dr .sadeghi 50
Using Mega Variate Analysis Models in Differential Patterns of Deaths Caused by Traffic Accidents in East Azarbaijan Province Dr .sadeghi 51
Ten-year epidemiological pattern of deaths from traffic accidents motorcycles and pedestrians in East Azerbaijan province, 1392-1383 Dr .sadeghi 52
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